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Empathic Accuracy

Direct vs. Indirect Empathic Accuracy

Fast and Slow Empathic Perceptions in Couples’ Daily Lives Use Different Cues.

Sened, H., Bar-Kalifa, E., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Gleason, M., & Rafaeli, E. (2020). Affective Science, 1(2), 87-96.

In 3 experience sampling studies of romantic couples, we find that empathic accuracy operates simultaneously through a direct, cognitive pathway and through and emotional pathway which involves perceivers’ own emotions. Fast empathic inferences rely less on the direct pathway. Download

Now you have my attention: Empathic accuracy pathways in couples and the role of conflict.

Sened, H., Yovel, I., Bar-Kalifa, E., Gadassi, R., & Rafaeli, E. (2017). Emotion, 17(1), 155-168.

In 3 experience sampling studies of romantic couples, we find that when couples are not in conflict, women use more direct, cognitive empathic accuracy. When conflict occurs, men use more direct accuracy and both men and women use more emotional accuracy. Download

The positive outcomes of empathic accuracy

Empathic accuracy and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analytic review.

Sened, H., Lavidor, M., Lazarus, G., Bar-Kalifa, E., Rafaeli, E., & Ickes, W. (2017). Journal of Family Psychology, 31(6), 742-752.

In a meta-analysis of 21 studies, we show that empathic accuracy is positively associated with relationship satisfaction, especially in mid-length relationships and when accuracy is for negative emotions. Download

Overcoming Barriers to Physical Activity in People with Osteoarthritis: the Role of Empathic Accuracy in Couples’ Planning Discussions.

Sened, H., Bahorski, S. G., Callahan, L., Altpeter, M., & Rini, C. (2020). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(2), 235-246.

In a study of couples in which one person was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, we show that high empathic accuracy is correlated with more successful attempts by the couple to discuss solutions to health issues. Download

Empathic Accuracy Interventions

The Effects of Brief Feedback and Motivation Interventions on Couples’ Empathic Accuracy and Relationship Quality.

Sened, H., Rabinowitz, S., & Rafaeli, E. (in prep)

In a lab study and an experience sampling study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a motivation intervention and a feedback intervention in increasing the empathic accuracy of existing romantic couples. Preprint

Inter-Brain Synchrony in Psychotherapy

Inter-Brain Plasticity as a biological mechanism of change in psychotherapy: a review and integrative model.

Sened,H., Zilch-Mano, S., Shamay-Tsoory, S. G. (2022). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16

One of the key processes in psychotherapy is the development of a positive relationship between therapists and patients, which leads to general improvements in patients’ interpersonal relationship. We propose that this might be reflected biologically by inter-brain plasticity - high inter-brain synchrony during sessions leading to lasting changes in patient’s ability to achieve inter-brain synchrony which others. Download

fNIRS Hyperscanning Reveals Inter-brain Synchrony and Plasticity during Psychotherapy for Test Anxiety.

Sened, H., Gorst, K., Nathan-Gamliel, H., Rafaeli, E., Zilcha-Mano, S., Shamay-Tsoory, S. G. (under review).

In a proof of concept study involving 18 meetings of 8 patients, we show that inter-brain synchrony between patients and therapists gradually increases during treatment and is associated with increases in wellbeing and symptom reductions. Preprint


The use of intensive longitudinal methods in explanatory personality research.

Sened, H.*, Lazarus, G.*, Gleason, M. E., Rafaeli, E., & Fleeson, W. (2018). European Journal of Personality, 32(3), 269-285.

*Equal contribution

We discuss ways to show causality in experience sampling designs, including using temporal precedence, external measures, calculating derived variables, using context, and introducing interventions. Download

Other relationship research

Mom-and-Pop Narcissism: The Impact of Attention Seeking and Grandiosity on Couples’ Experience of the Transition to Parenthood.

Sened, H., Bar-Kalifa, E., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Gleason, M., & Rafaeli, E. (2019). Journal of personality disorders, 34(4), 67-86.

In a longitudinal study of couples having their first child, we show that the two facets of narcissism - attention seeking and grandiosity - had different effects. While attention seeking was generally associated with reduced outcomes, grandiosity was associated with a decrease in relationship satisfaction after birth but also, surprisingly, with fewer PPD symptoms for participants’ partners. Download

I Wanna Hold Your Hand: Handholding is Subjectively Preferred to Stroking in Everyday Situations.

Sened, H., Levin, C., Shehab, M., Eisenberger, N., Shamay-Tsoory, S. (2023) Plos one, 18(4)

In four studies of people imagining or recounting painful situations, we show that people subjectively prefer handholding a romantic partner’s hand over stroking their arm. Download